
About Me

Hi I'm Zahra. Thank you for dropping by and Welcome to my blog!

If you are looking for ways to be in a healthier state and better over-all well-being, then you've found the right place.  In this blog I will share with you never-heard tips and ideas on how you can prevent degenerative diseases and cures that you never thought possible and life-changing.  You will learn this powerful information that can be used to help your body to do what its very good heal itself.  Can you imagine being healthier, bringing that youthful zest in life that you once had, no more aches and pains and no more taking over-the-counter pills or even prescription medications?

My health was on and off challenged for 2 years, not knowing what it was except for the pain I experienced that just lead in taking anti-biotics and analgesics.   Finally the lab and bone marrow aspiration result done Nov 2009 showed CML (Chronic Myeloid Leukemia).

It took me almost 3 years after diagnosis, to discover my miracle.  It truly became clear what my body needs to bounce back to what i used to be way back my 20's.  Isn't that amazing? I was able to take my oral chemo medications without having to suffer the worse side-effects.  Together with that medicine, I already feel in complete remission!  But the best part, every member of my family is benefiting...even my plants and pets.

So if you are ready to shake-off your old body and become fit, look and feel good, attractive new you, go ahead and subscribe.  Simply register your email to the form that you will find on the top right side of this blog.

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